CO2e calculations for packaging and displays
On request, we can perform a customised CO2e calculation for your corrugated cardboard packaging and its transportation. In this process we examine the entire process chain, starting with the raw material acquisition to the factory gate (“cradle to gate”).
The first step in reducing internal company greenhouse gas emissions is to compile an overview in the form of a Corporate Carbon Footprint (Co2e2e footprint). One component of this CO2e footprint are the greenhouse gas emissions created from the packaging used for your products. However, it not only includes direct greenhouse gases emitted during production (Scope 1), but indirect CO2e-emissions must also be calculated (Scope 2 + 3).
Scope 1
Direct greenhouse gas emissions incurred by the company e.g. the consumption of fossil fuels for heating.
Scope 2
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions due to the external provision of energy, e.g. power supply.
Scope 3
All other indirect greenhouse gas emissions caused by a company through its business activities e.g. through the use of products, services and auxiliary materials.

When calculating Co2e we generally proceed as follows:
- Preliminary meeting: The aim of this customised and personal consultation is to determine the necessary key indicators for the packaging used in your company as accurately as possible.
- Calculation: Preparation of the information and calculation of the CO2e emissions of your products using validated tools developed especially for us. The benefit: THIMM has access to actual data for production and processing, etc. which ensures the calculation is causal.
- Information acquisition: Additional determination of supplementary information (Scope 2 + 3) based on validated databases (ecoivent, GEMIS, Federal Environment Agency, etc.).
- Result: We present you with a clear results statement of your CO2e footprint. This is followed by a detailed discussion of the available data.
- Consultation: On the basis of our consultation we can then accurately determine how climate-efficient your packaging is. The focus here is on the determination of CO2e hot spots.
- Solutions: Finally, we offer customised solutions that help you to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of your packaging (e.g. climate-neutral packaging with Climate Partner).
- Implementation: On request we can implement the solutions you have selected directly for you.
Do you have any questions about the CO2e calculation?

Michael Burkowski
Head of Sustainable Packaging Solutions
+49 5551 703 815